ISSN: 2360-7831

 International Journal of English Literature and Culture


Index Copernicus (Impact Factor)= ICV 2017 = 71.23



Table of Contents: 7(3), pp. 28-48, April 2019


1Koumagnon Alfred Djossou and 2Ashani Michel Dossoumou

Mapping some Linguistic Features Sustaining the Transatlantic Slave Trade Portrayal in Amma Darko’s  Beyond the Horizon (1995).

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(3): 28-39. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2019.004 (April 2019)



Wijdan EL-Siddig El-khalifh Mohammed

Improving Saudi EFL Students’ Aural Oral Skills

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(3): 40-48. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2019.005 (April 2019)




Table of Contents: 7(2), pp. 10-27, March 2019


Endale Endrias Arega1  and Kebede Kassa Gadabo2

An Assessment of Teachers’ attitudes, Practices and Challenges of Teaching Listening Skill in Two Selected High Schools in Wolaita Zone, Ethiopia

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(2): 10-18. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2019.006 (March 2019)




*Dr.Ghanshyam Pal ** Dr.Surekha Dangwal

Exploring Caste, Ethnicity and Social Fragmentation in Naipaul’s The Mimic Men and The Suffrage of Elvira

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(2): 19-27. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2019.007 (March 2019)



Table of Contents: 7(1), pp. 1-9, January 2019


Ananthan K P

Capitalism and True Environmentalism: A Contrast of Approaches as Seen in Literature in the Indian and Global Scenario

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(1): 1-3. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2018.025 (January 2019)




Analyzing Theme of “Language” in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Selected Short Stories

Abstract    FULL TEXT PDF 7(1): 4-9. DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2018.090 (January 2019)


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