Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review |
International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review Vol. 4(3), pp. 53-59. March, 2016. ISSN: 2360-7866 DOI: 10.14662/IJARER2016.005
Full Length Research
Teaching Science for Thai Teachers in the 21st Century
Watchara Senajuk1, Wanicha Sakorn2, Kanokwan Sriwapee3 and Somsuk Trisupakitti4
1Department of Biology, 2Department of Computer Education, 3Department of Early Childhood Education,
Accepted 7 March 2016
in science and technology, neurology research outcomes, and reactions on
21st century learning skills showed strong effect towards paradigm shift
in the education business. Education administration in all levels places
the focus on developing higher order thinking skills for the learners
including creativity, problem-solving, analytical thinking, etc. as well
as communication skills, using technologies at hands for knowledge
seeking, and socializing skills. Therefore, education administration
current trend needs to exploit holistic integration of interdisciplinary
and practicality in real life that will lend more meaning for learners
to see benefits, values, and practicality of learning. So, learners can
put knowledge into practical use benefiting their daily living that
enable them to become ready for pursuing higher education. This can lead
learners for better chance of job opportunities in the future and also
the value added and empowerment to the country economy. Cite This Article As: Watchara Senajuk1, Wanicha Sakorn2, Kanokwan Sriwapee3 and Somsuk Trisupakitti4 (2016). Teaching Science for Thai Teachers in the 21st Century. Inter. J. Acad. Res. Educ. Rev. 4(2): 53-59
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