International Journals of Economic and Business Management
Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-9. , 2024.
ISSN: 2384-6151
Full Length Research
Yield Gap and Economics of Cluster Based Large Scale Demonstration of Food Barely Variety in Hula District, Sidama Region, Ethiopia
Wasihun Alemnew
Wondo genet agricultural research center, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Wondo Genet, Ethiopia Email,
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Accepted 15 July 2024
Abstract |
The research was conducted in Hula district of Sidama region, Ethiopia. The district was selected purposively based on the potential of food barley production. The objective of this paper is to share the experiences and results of cluster based technology demonstrations in relation to technology and extension gaps of food barely varieties. From the district, two food barley potential villages were selected and farmers also selected based on land availability and farmers willingness. One food barely variety (HB-1307) was demonstrated along with its full-recommended packages in the study areas. Training was given to develop awareness to different participants at different stage on production practice of food barley technology. To demonstrate the food barley technology, a field day was organized by inviting different stakeholders (Farmers, DAs, Experts and Researchers). The variety (HB-1307) demonstrated at study area which was acceptable during field visit and field day by farmers due to its disease acid soil tolerance, seed color and size, plant biomass, grain yield and early maturity productivity after harvesting showed a high yield performance. The overall harvested mean yield of HB 1307 and the local farmer practice was 38 qt ha-1 and 22 qt ha-1, respectively. Therefore, based on the results shown above HB1307 is the best performed variety in the study area.
Keywords: food barely, large scale demonstration, Hula district, gaps, farmer preference
Cite This Article As:
Alemnew, W. (2025). Yield Gap and Economics of Cluster Based Large Scale Demonstration of Food Barely Variety in Hula District, Sidama Region, Ethiopia. Inter. J. Econ. Bus. Manage. Vol. 13(1), pp. 1-9.