International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review

International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review

Vol. 12(2), pp. 58-65, May 2024

ISSN: 2360-7866


Full Length Research



Crimes among Users of Library Resources in Taraba State, Nigeria.


Joy Emmanuel Omah, PhD (CLN)


Department of library and information science, Taraba State University, Janligo


Accepted 30 May 2024


Abstract: This research is aimed at crimes among users of library resources. Descriptive survey and simple linear and multiple correlational research designs were adopted. A 4-point rating scale was used to collect data from a sample size of 394 drawn from 33,159 population. The sample size was determined using Krecjie and Morgan’s table for determining sample size while proportionate sampling technique was applied to determine the individual student respondents of each of the schools. The higher institutions studied are: Federal University, Wukari, Taraba State University, Jalingo, Kwararafa University, Wukari, Federal Polytechnic, Bali, Taraba State Polytechnic Suntai, Taraba State College of Agriculture, Janligo, Taraba State College of Health Technology, Takumi and Peacock College of Education, Janligo. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics to obtain means and coefficient of correlation for answering research. Findings show among others that, the crime practices in university libraries studied is not significantly carried out above average rating; the measure of patrons’ utilization of the library resources in universities studied is not significantly above average rating; and there is a very high and significant relationship among theft, mutilation, vandalism, mis-shelving of books and staff assault on one hand and the patrons’ use of the library resources. The researcher made some recommendations on the study.


Key Words: Library Crimes, Users, Library Resources, University, Mutilation, and Vandalism

Paper type: research


Cite This Article As:     Omah, J.E. (2024). Crimes among Users of Library Resources in Taraba State, Nigeria. Inter. J. Acad. Res. Educ. Rev. 12(2): 58-65