International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review

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International Journal of Academic Research in Education and Review

Vol. 5(2), pp. 65-70. April, 2017.

ISSN: 2360-7866

DOI: 10.14662/IJARER2017.009


Full Length Research


A Quantitative Approach towards the Multicultural Perception on Arts Education


1Marrium Zafar and 2Wang Ting Xin


1,2 Department of Art Education, Southeast University, 210096 Nanjing, P. R. China


Accepted 5 April 2017



For several decades educationalist have proposed that the study of art education has a momentous impact on student academic achievement and student behavior. The purpose of this study was to quantify general education by examining university students in addition; this study briefly explores the impact of music education on human brain and academic achievement at the education levels. Specific research studies provide evidence the importance of arts education at different level of study. Here we present a survey study on education data using a globalized sample of multicultural individuals. Quantitative questionnaire was distributed to each participant and evaluated further .The research design includes the independent variables: gender, nationality, age and major. The dependent variables include: (1) affects language learning skills; (2) help in learning own or other’s culture; and (3) objective of music and art education for each of the study populations. Few research questions were used to explore the effect of music and art education on academic achievements, the importance of music in learning own or other’s culture, degree and frequency of exposure to music, liking for different musical styles, the importance of music listening relative to other activities; and the reasons why the participants themselves listened to and played music. Conclusions were based upon sophisticated statistical tests including descriptive and inferential statistics, correlations and analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics.

Keywords: Arts theory, music education, language learning, academic performance, multicultural outlook, culture


Cite This Article As: Zafar M, Xin WT (2017). A Quantitative Approach towards the Multicultural Perception on Arts Education. Inter. J. Acad. Res. Educ. Rev. 5(2): 65-70


Current Issue: April 2017


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Inter. J. Acad. Res. Educ. Rev.

  Vol. 5 No. 2

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