International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science
Index Copernicus (Impact Factor)= 8.570
Table of Content: Vol. 13(1), pp. 1--43 . February 2025.
Dr. Chikkamanju
A Study on the Benefits of YouTube Videos in the Web Age by the Students of Engineering Colleges in Mysore, Karnataka
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):1-5 . (February 2025)
Oluwakoya Adeniyi1, Adeniran Pauline2 and Tshoopara Gloria3
Promoting Transport and Logistics Education through Library and Digital Science: A Focus on Nigeria and Namibia.
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):6-13 . (February 2025)
1Muokebe Bibiana Obiageli and 2Mbanefo Chiamaka Princess
Library Resources: Conservation and Preservation as Myth.
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):14-22 . (February 2025)
1Olalekan S.Ola and 2Aminu U. Momoh
Influence of Attitude as a Catalyst on the Productivity Level of Cataloguers in Tertiary Institutions’Libraries in Edo State, Nigeria.
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):23-31 . (February 2025)
1Olalekan S.Ola and 2Aminu U. Momoh
Effects and Impacts of Archival Documents in Solving the Nigerian Contemporary Covid’19 Problems.
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):32-38 . (February 2025)
1Longpoe Patricia Kwalzoom, 2Amwe, Racheal Asibi and 3Aliu, Charity Ukwo
Terrorism and Violence among Adolescent Girls and Women with Disabilities in Plateau State, Nigeria.
Abstract FULL TEXT PDF 13(1):39-43 . (February 2025)