International Journal of Political Science and Development

Vol. 12(1), pp. 36 -47. May, 2024. 

ISSN: 2360-784X


Full Length Research


Nation building Narrations in Ethiopia: Bibliographic Review on Emperor Menelik II


Worku Jegnie


PhD candidate at Bahr Dar University.  



Accepted 30 April 2024


This document reviews the literature on Emperor Menelik II's role in nation-building in Ethiopia. His influence on modernizing Ethiopia and his significance in African independence, particularly through the battle of Adwa, are discussed, as are the conflicting views of historians on whether he was a nation-builder or an exploiter. Oromo nationalists' perspectives on the relationship between Ethiopian emperors and the Oromo people are also discussed in the paper. According to the nation boulder point of view Menelik II played a significant role in the development of Ethiopia's nation. His efforts contributed to the modernization and expansion of the Ethiopian empire. Modern infrastructure and established public service organizations were among the priorities for Menelik II. During his territorial expansion, he sought to protect the Ethiopian people from the brutal colonial invasion of the Europeans and expand modern technology across the country. On the contrary, the perspective of Oromo nationalists on the relationship between Ethiopian emperors and the Oromo people, particularly regarding Emperor Menelik II, is that the relationship is similar to European African colonialism. They argue that the Amhara-Oromo relationship in the past was one of exploitation and oppression, likening it to colonialism.


Keywords: modernization, colonization, nationalists, unification, empire, territory


Cite This Article As: Worku, J. (2024). Nation building Narrations in Ethiopia: Bibliographic Review on Emperor Menelik II. Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop. 12(1):36-47