International Journal of Political Science and Development

Vol. 10(2), pp. 78-80. November, 2022. 

ISSN: 2360-784X


Short Review


An Assessment of Rajesh Basrur and FrederichKliem insights on “Covid-19 and International Co-operation: IR Paradigms at Odds”


Michael Ikechukwu INEH-DUMBI


Department of International Relations and Diplomacy (IRD), College of Social and Management Science (CSMS) Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD).Tel: +2348134810433 Email:,  


Accepted 25 November 2022


Theories in themselves presumably serve as valuable instruments for understanding, predicting, or/and exploring international phenomenons, (Gold and McGlinchey, 2017). For observers of international relations, they can be likened to the lingua-franca that enable the communications of a relationship of interactions between an observer and the observed international phenomenon. In furthering such, Rajesh Basrur and Fredrick Kliem's insight into International Relations theory in the contexts of the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic serves as a litmus test to ascertain if the selected theories serve the purpose of their existence (i.e to explain or predict international events or phenomena). Likewise, it allows an opportunity to build upon shortcomings in theories, further contributing to their growth and development, (Jackson and Sorensen, 2013).




Cite This Article As: INEH-DUMBI, M.I (2022). An Assessment of Rajesh Basrur and FrederichKliem insights on “Covid-19 and International Co-operation: IR Paradigms at Odds”. Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop. 10(2):78-80.