ISSN: 2360-784X


 International Journal of Political Science and Development

International Journal of Political Science and Development

Vol. 8(2), pp. 21-31, February, 2020. 

DOI: 10.14662/IJPSD2020.020

ISSN: 2360-784X



The New Peace Prospect and Normalization of Ethiopia-Eritrea Relations: Implication for Sub-Regional Security


Kidanu Atinafu Temesgen


Lecturer at Debre Markos University, Department of civic and Ethical studies, Ethiopia.

Email address: kidanudmu@gmail.com.


Accepted 24 February 2020


This study attempts at shedding light on the security implication of the current Ethiopia-Eritrea new peace prospect and normalization of relations in the Horn of Africa. The study employed qualitative research approach. To achieve the stated objective, the study largely uses secondary data sources from published and unpublished materials. To substantiate documented sources, the study also used the analysis of experts and researchers presented on different media in the form of interview or focused discussion on the issue under investigation. Findings from the study indicated that the ongoing diplomatic efforts to mend the decades of political impasse and hostility between Ethiopia and Eritrea can bring massive ramification in the process of ensuring peace in the Horn of Africa. In the first place, the recurring diplomatic rapprochement between the two countries facing the disagreement can bring to an end the protracted acts of mutual destabilization and proxies thereby address conflicts that have regional dimensions, as explained in terms of the intervention of Ethiopia on the side of Transitional Federal Government of Somalia whereas Eritrea aligned with dissident groups Fighting Transitional Federal Government. The other far reaching implication of the peace talk and normalization of Ethio-Eritrea relations is the opening of favorable grounds and platform for Eritrea-Somalia and Eritrea-Djibouti governments to reconcile antipathies and resume diplomatic ties. Equally important, prioritization of diplomatic discussion manifest the rethinking of how ineffective is the culture of militarism in the resolution of various irreconcilabilities, given the longstanding reliance of the two people on guns and violence.  Thereafter, the new peace prospect pursued by these countries also widen opportunities for strengthening formative regional cooperation and integrations schemes in security, energy, tourism, transports, road and trade respectively.


Keywords: Peace, Normalization, Security, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa 


Cite this article as: Kidanu, A.T (2020). The New Peace Prospect and Normalization of Ethiopia-Eritrea Relations: Implication for Sub-Regional Security. Int. J. Polit. Sci. Develop. 8(2) 21-31


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Inter. J. Polit. Sci. Develop.

  Vol. 8 No. 2

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