International Journal of English Literature and Culture

International Journal of English Literature and Culture

Vol. 12(2), pp. 65-71, June 2024

 ISSN: 2360-7831




The Zàngbeto: The Other Community Security Actor Facing Modernity in Porto Novo


1Donatien SOKOU and 2 Dodji AMOUZOUVI


1Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Centre Universitaire d'Adjarra (University of Abomey Calavi) 2Professeur Titulaire/CAMES, Université d'Abomey-Calavi, FASHS/Département de Sociologie-Anthropologie, Tel: +229 66 67 48 60; Email:

Tel: (00229) 97347500. Corresponding author’s E-mail:

Accepted 5 June 2024



The Zàngbétɔ́ acts as a secret police force in Beninese society. It controls the night and plays an important role in managing community insecurity problems. In this context of modernisation of the city of Porto-Novo, this research aims to analyse the contributory role of cultural entities in optimising the challenges of the security of goods and people in Porto Novo. The methodological approach adopted is based on a literature review of the situation of the Zàngbétɔ́ heritage and contextual observations. In addition, interviews were conducted with thirty-one (31) stakeholders selected from the five (05) districts of the city of Porto-Novo. At the end of the data analysis, it emerged that the galloping urbanisation of the city of Porto-Novo has had a direct impact on traditional, cultural, and worship practices in the city, in this case, the Zàngbétɔ́ cult, and its various functions, which are experiencing a regression. The multifunctional spaces for Zàngbétɔ́ worship, locally known as Zan-honto, which constitute sacred sites, are restricted or others are disappearing as a result of modernisation.


Keywords: Zàngbétɔ́; community security players; hardship; modernity; Porto Novo.  


Cite This Article As: SOKOU, D., AMOUZOUVI, D. (2024). The Zàngbeto: The Other Community Security Actor Facing Modernity in Porto Novo” . Inter. J. Eng. Lit. Cult. 12(2): 65-71