International Journal of English Literature and Culture

International Journal of English Literature and Culture

Vol. 9(2), pp. 43-48, March 2021

 ISSN: 2360-7831

DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2021.015


Research paper


The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand: A Critical Analysis


Arshya Gaur


A-1/7 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi � 110057. E-mail:


Accepted 1 February 2021



This paper seeks to examine Ayn Rand�s �Fountainhead� through a multi-focal dimension. It delineates the cartography of the themes of Rand�s Russian-American ethnicity and the socio-economic conditions of the post-World War II, linking it to the post-Depression world, which engendered the philosophy of Objectivism. Furthermore, the paper explores the societal beliefs and themes of Objectivism, Conformism, and Individualism by analyzing them in two different paradigms: when the novel was published and the status quo. The paper finally goes on to underline how these antagonistic views of society have been exemplified by Rand through the characters in the novel and how �The Fountainhead� serves as a commentary on the schism in society over the topic of �individuality and conformism�.


Key words:  Objectivism, Conformism, Individualism, Great Depression, United States of America, Feminism


Cite This Article As: Gaur, A (2020). The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand: A Critical Analysis. Inter. J. Eng. Lit. Cult. 9(2):43-48