International Journal of English Literature and Culture

International Journal of English Literature and Culture

Vol. 6(5), pp. 110-116, October, 2018

 ISSN: 2360-7831

DOI: 10.14662/IJELC2018.064


Review paper


Common Errors in Oral and Written Communication of Nigerian Undergraduate Students: A Study of Joseph Ayo Babalola University Undergraduates


1Kunle Afolabi and 2Abosede Adebola Otemuyiwa (Ph.D)


1Joseph Ayo Babalola University Ikeji-Arakeji. E-mail: kunlefunmius@yahoo.com

2Joseph Ayo Babalola University Ikeji-Arakeji

E-mail: adebolaotemuyiwa66@gmail.com, E-mail: aaotemuyiwa@jabu.edu.com


Accepted 29 October 2018




Some errors varying from grammatical to spellings are usually discovered while marking scripts of undergraduate students either school based assessments that we often refer to as take home assignments or the summative assessments-the final examination. This precipitated the writer to bring to the knowledge fore in this paper, which highlights the places of oral and written forms of communication and certain common errors usually associated with them.  Experimented methods of administering take-home assignments and on the spot tests; and class seminars were adopted involving 78 respondents in a Writing Composition course. These errors are clogs in the wheel of communication process and this paper deems it fit to identify these errors and also proffer solutions to them. The students were allowed to go over the tests with corrections already made (pre-test and post test) and in another session, using the same questions, the students showed evidences of studying the scripts. The methods helped in reinventing studying strategies of students particularly in higher institutions. The post-test mechanism helped reveal to students the need to read wide, take notes of correct use of spoken and written words and the need to build vocabularies to enhance both spoken and written skills.


Key words: Written communication, Oral communication, Electronic writing


Cite This Article As: Afolabi, K., Otemuyiwa, A.A. (2018). Common Errors in Oral and Written Communication of Nigerian Undergraduate Students: A Study of Joseph Ayo Babalola University Undergraduates. Inter.  J. Eng. Lit. Cult. 6(5): 110-116

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Inter. J. English Lit. Cult.

  Vol. 6 No.5

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