Academic Research Journal on Health Information Management

Academic Research Journal on Health Information Management

Vol. 3(1), pp. 7-18, January 2022

ISSN: 2734-2190


Full Length Research



Perception of medical information resources and job performance of medical practitioners in teaching hospitals in South-West Nigeria


Chioma Euriel UZOHUE


Deputy Director, Library and Information Communication Technology Department, Nigerian Institute of Medical Research, Yaba-Lagos, Nigeria  

Accepted 27 January 2022


Abstract: The study examines perception of quality of medical information resources and job performance of medical practitioners in teaching hospitals in South-West Nigeria. The study adopted the survey design to investigate six teaching hospitals in the South-western Nigeria. Multi-sampling was used to administer 391 copies of questionnaire to the medical practitioner but 390 were returned for data analysis, making the response rate to be 99.7%. Data obtained were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and linear regression. Findings revealed that the participants’ overall perceptions of quality of medical information resources (MIR) in the libraries were high. positive and negative perceptions were regarding quality of MIR in the libraries were rated high by the participants. It is clear from this result that medical practitioners in the University teaching hospitals in South-West hold positive opinions regarding medical information resources in the libraries. It was, therefore, recommended that the management of teaching hospitals in South-West Nigeria should sustain relevant, accessible, useful and time saving medical information resources in the medical library based on the outcome of the that the participants overall score on ‘positive perception’ was high. This would enable the medical personnel to make meaningful attain optimal use of the medical information resources in the medical libraries.


Keywords: Job performance, Medical Information Resources, University Teaching Hospitals, South-West Nigeria.

Paper type: research


Cite This Article As:     UZOHUE, C.E (2022). Perception of medical information resources and job performance of medical practitioners in teaching hospitals in South-West Nigeria. Acad. Res. J. Health. Inform. Manage. 3(1):7- 18