Academic Research Journal
of Biotechnology. ISSN: 2384-616X Vol. 1(2), pp. 23-25, July, 2014.
©2014 Academic Research
Length Research
detection of fetal anomalies and its prevalence by sonography in
pregnancies complicated by pre-gestational diabetes mellitus
S.H Dodampahala*, C.N Wijerathne2, R.M.G.S.K Dodampahala3,
W.C.C Gunathilaka4
1 *Associate
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 189/20 sama mawatha Nawala Road
Nugegoda, Srilanka.
*Corresponding author’s email:
2. Professor in Reproductive medicine at the Colombo medical faculty
3. Senior Medical officer Diabetic Clinic National Hospital,Colombo
4. Senior House officer Professorial Obstetrics Unit De Soyza Maternity
Accepted 17 July 2014
Diabetes mellitus is being diagnosed in 0.3% of women at the
reproductive stage of their life. Prevalence is around 10% in the urban
Srilankan population.
1. to analyze the prevalence of fetal malformations in pre-gestational
diabetic pregnancies compared to uncomplicated non diabetic pregnancies.
2. to evaluate the clinical utility of a comprehensive program inclusive
of clinical features, glycemic assessment and prenatal detailed
ultrasound with fetal echocardiography for congenital anomalies in
pregnancies complicated by diabetes mellitus.
prospective cohort study carried out in a maternity hospital- Colombo,
Sri Lanka between August 2006 to August 2008 .A 789pre-gestational
diabetic women who were registered in hospital clinics during Aug 2006
to Aug 2008 and their newborns were compared with age and parity matched
low risk non diabetic population of 780 antenatal mothers for the
development of fetal malformations
Study Instruments
Interviewer administered questionnaire included detailed history,
examination checking glycemic assessment and comprehensive fetal
ultrasonography inclusive of a standard four-chamber view of the heart
and detailed power Doppler fetal echocardiography according to ISUOG
standards. Glycemic control was set at 90-130mg/dl at pre and
postprandial values and target HbAiC was set at below 6.2%
anomalies were identified in 49 of 789(6%) fetuses and neonates: 12
central nervous system, 03 abdomincal wall defects, 03 diaphragmatic
hernias, 08 renal tract defects , 03 cystic hygromas, 02 isolated
hydrothorax ,04 hydrops with multiple congenital abnormalities, 04
gastro intestinal malformations, 02 limb defects and 04 cardiac
abnormalities were detected prenatally. 03 cardiac lesions 02 limb
defect (VACTERAL) and down syndrome fetus detected postnatally. The
results were compared with age and parity matched non diabetic control
group of 780 routine visits mothers and antenatal admissions having
21/780 (2.7%) with only 1 cardiac abnormality this was significant
p< 008 at (95% CI 0.77 – 5.03).
Recommendations and Conclusions
This study demonstrates and confirms the view that pre-gestational
diabetic pregnancy, despite the improved metabolic control, is still a
strong risk factor for alterations in fetal development leading to fetal
This study also demonstrate the advantage of a comprehensive program to
detect fetal anomalies in pregnancies complicated by pre-gestational
diabetes mellitus focusing further attention towards detecting fetal
cardiac abnormalities.
Keywords: congenital malformations, PGDM, diabetic pregnancy,
prenatal ultrasound diagnosis, newborns