ISSN: 2360-7874 |
Academic Research Journal of
Agricultural Science and Research |
Vol. 7(7), pp. 552-559, November 2019 Research Plant Diseases Management through Gene Pyramiding
Yitagesu Tadesse Demissie
Department of Plant Pathology, Holeta Agricultural Research Center,Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Accepted 15 November 2019
diseases have caused severe losses to humans in several ways. The goal
of plant disease management is to reduce the economic and aesthetic
damage caused by plant diseases. The main objective of this review was
to understand about a gene pyramiding concepts with principles
&application in disease management. Disease management procedures are
frequently determined by disease forecasting or disease modeling rather
than on either a calendar or prescription basis. Correct diagnosis of a
disease is necessary to identify the pathogen, which is the real target
of any disease management program. Improving disease resistance in crops
is crucial for stable food production. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs),
which usually have smaller individual effects than R-genes but confer
broad-spectrum or non-race-specific resistance, can contribute to
durable disease resistance (DR). Gene pyramiding holds greater prospects
to attain durable resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses in
crop. Agene pyramiding involves the use of several genes in a single
cultivar to provide a wider base of disease resistance. Marker assisted
breeding and functional genomics tools are effective strategies to
develop resistant cultivars against fungal diseases in wheat for
achieving estimated production paradigm. In future, functional genomics
approaches such as TILLING; RNAi and epigenetics are needed to
strengthen the development of resistant varieties.
How to cite this article (APA Style): Yitagesu T.D (2019). Plant Diseases Management through Gene Pyramiding. Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res. 7(7): 552-559
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