Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Research

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Academic Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Research 

Vol. 3(7), pp. 161-168. July, 2015.

ISSN: 2360-7874 

 DOI: 10.14662/ARJASR2015.032


Full Length Research

Boron: An Essential Element Needs Attention


A. K. Trivedi


ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Regional Station Bhowali, Nainital (Uttarakhand) – 263132



Accepted 5 May 2015



The number of elements considered essential for the growth of higher plants varies from 16 to 20 depending upon the definition of essentiality. According to Arnon (1943) essential elements are those which are needed for higher plants to complete all life functions and that the deficiency can be corrected by the application of this specific element causing the deficiency. Contrary to this Nicholas (1961) believe that an element should be considered essential if its addition enhances plant growth even though it merely substitutes for one of the 16 elements that Arnon declares to be essential. On the basis of the criteria used, Arnon specifies 16 elements and Nicholas 20 elements as being essential for the growth of higher plants. Beyond discussion and debate boron is considered as an essential element which has tremendous roles in plant growth and development, physiology as well as biochemical composition. For example, it helps to main balance between sugar and starch, translocation of sugar and carbohydrates, pollination and seed reproduction, cell division, nitrogen metabolism, protein formation as well as cell wall formation etc. In view of its role in plant processes and work done, more emphasis on research and applications of boron would help to improve crop productivity in a sustainable manner. In the present paper work done in relation to various functions of boron has been reviewed.

Keywords: Boron, deficiency, uptake, metabolism, yield.


How to cite this article: Trivedi AK (2015). Boron: An Essential Element Needs Attention. Acad. Res. J. Agri. Sci. Res. 3(7):161-168. 




Current Issue: July 2015


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  Vol. 3 No. 7

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