International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science

Vol. 8(10), pp. 320-323. June, 2021. 

ISSN: 2360-7858


Full Length Research


Reopening Libraries in COVID 19 pandemic: Problems and Challenges


Dr Chikkamanju


Assistant Librarian, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, College of Agriculture, Vijayapur E-mail:


Accepted 7 December 2020


India has ranking second largest county population in the World after China. As a precautionary measure COVID-19 pandemic situation, every institution, industry and public domain has been affected with the Coronavirus. The college and the university libraries are also compelled to close libraries. library professionals should also be prepare to reopen the libraries along with the COVID 19. We have a huge responsibility to protect the clienteles, staff and the library and providing access to its resources in such a pandemic situation. While reopening the library after the lock down we need to take precautionary measures to slow down and prevent measures against COVID 19. The Library and Information services started to gain importance by providing researchers the opportunity to explore medical and scientific research, while prevention of the disease.


Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Reopening libraries, Preventive measures, Information technology Digital Library resources, services.


Cite This Article As: Chikkamanju (2020). Reopening Libraries in COVID 19 pandemic: Problems and Challenges. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 8(10): 320-323