International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science

Vol. 3(11), pp. 310-316. December, 2015. 

ISSN: 2360-7858


Full Length Research


Knowledge Sharing Practices Through Institutional Repositories in Indian Research Institutions: An Empirical Study


1Dr. Mukut Sarmah and 2Nilratan Bhattacharjee


1Assistant Professor and Project Investigator, UGC Major Research Project, Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar-788011. Email-  

2Project Fellow, UGC Major Research Project, Department of Library and Information Science, Assam University, Silchar-788011. Email-


Accepted 6 December 2015


Creation of Institutional Repositories (IR) for knowledge sharing in a research institution of the developing country like India is a growing need of the present time. IR facilitates sharing of research, innovations produced in any institution in digital form in a digital library environment. This paper will give a clear understanding of the knowledge sharing practices of all the online Institutional repositories in Indian research institutions developed so far. For the present study survey design method has been adopted. Survey of all the Indian Research Institutions websites have been made by the researcher themselves for authentication of the data. The study results found that in India thirty-eight (38) research institutions have created web-based IR for sharing their institutional knowledge to the global scholarly community. Out of the thirty-eight repositories 28 repositories are registered with Open DOAR database, 27 are with ROAR database and 23 are common to both. Study result also founds that online IR of Indian Academy of Sciences: Publications of Fellows is the largest repository in terms of size among all the thirty eight repositories.


Keywords: Institutional Repository, Research Institution, Open DOAR, ROAR, Open Access, Knowledge Sharing.


Cite This Article As: Sarmah M, Bhattacharjee N (2015). Knowledge Sharing Practices Through Institutional Repositories in Indian Research Institutions: An Empirical Study. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 3(11): 310-316.